Monday, June 06, 2005

"Team Jesus Christ"

Sheesh, I can't seem to shake this theme lately. Nick's comment on my last post was, essentially, "how is this part of some kind of significant trend?"

Maybe this story provides a little more of a representative example...induction is a tough thing, you know...

THE REPORTS OF the religious climate at the Air Force Academy are unsettling: A chaplain instructs cadets to try to convert classmates by warning that they "will burn in the fires of hell" if they do not accept Christ...freshman cadets who decline to attend after-dinner chapel are marched back to their dormitories in "heathen flights" organized by upperclassmen. A Jewish student is taunted as a Christ killer and told that the Holocaust was the just punishment for that offense. The academy's head football coach posts a banner in the locker room that proclaims, "I am a Christian first and last. . . . I am a member of Team Jesus Christ."...critics say the response was belated and grudging, treating the problem as one of a few instances of insensitivity by out-of-line cadets rather than, as they see it, a broader culture of intolerance fostered from the top down...Cadets need to know that they can serve the Air Force, and their country, even if they haven't signed up for Team Jesus Christ.

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