Saturday, July 30, 2005

Apologies to Michael Berube

Yeah, that was kind of reactionary. My friends will tell you I get that way sometimes.

Maybe it's just that it was golf. You might try bowling. Anyway, try to remember when you were young and impetuous. As someone who also argues for the unionization of grad students and (at our fine institution) the custodial staff, I'd be more than happy to join you.


Anonymous said...

Cool. Thanks. It's probably that it was golf, but that was the point. It connotes not only leisure but pampered, privileged leisure. The only reason I learned how to play was that in New York in the 1970s it cost me a dollar a round (cheaper than bowling!), and still, I run into people who think of it as being one step short of polo (and no, I don't own a string of polo ponies either). Anyway, I'm saying that professors -- and adjuncts and graduate TAs (including the two with whom I played 18 last month, and who are also on the department softball team) -- should be allowed to chill for a day every now and then, even when they're working all summer.

I also believe in full employment, universal health care, four-week paid vacations for all employees, paid parental/ eldercare leave . . . you know, the whole socialist hall of horrors, except with cheap golf.


Matt J Stannard said...

The thing is that several of the folks I work with, from poor undergrads to grad students to instructors to profs, also play a round or two and I give them crap about it. Sorry I misinterpreted the point of the article. What do we want? Cheap golf! When do we...etc etc