Friday, September 24, 2010


Some scumbags are even too toxic for Republicans. After several blogs and news sources (including The Underview) spread the word on Westchester County, NY Republican candidate Jim Russell's racist essay in the hate journal Occidental Quarterly, the Westchester County Republicans "pulled the plug" on their embarassing candidate.

"We're going to pull the plug on him immediately," said Westchester GOP Chairman Doug Colety, who is also a county election commissioner. He said he wanted to remove Russell from the ballot altogether but wasn't sure that would be possible. Russell also has the Conservative line, and party representatives did not return calls Tuesday.
"We were unaware of any of this," Colety said, referring to the essay.
Like any good bucket of human feces, Russell vows to continue his campaign undaunted.

Reached by phone, Russell said his "research paper" was being misrepresented ... He said he plans to continue his campaign, with a 12:30 p.m. appearance today at the White Plains office of the state Department of Labor.
Russell's campaign manager may be an even bigger piece of garbage than Russell himself:

Russell's campaign manager, Frank Morgenthaler, acknowledged the article but would not comment on it. Like Russell, he sought to put the focus back on Lowey and the candidate's platform on job loss, health care and failed border security.
"We're in a situation now where our country is on the brink of death almost," Morgenthaler said. "That's a heck of a lot more important than any articles or any spin that the incumbents want to put on it. Obviously the incumbent cannot defend her poor record."

Hey Morgenthaler: Nice to know you're loyal. As your next show of devotion, please sterilize yourself in order to clean up the gene pool.
"White people's brains are thiiiiis big..."


ARaceAgainstTime said...

As a resident of Westchester County, Jim Russell was one of the chief opponents of the Obama administration's plan to force Westchester County to spend more than $50 million to create affordable housing in overwhelmingly white communities and aggressively market it to non-whites in New York City. HUD Deputy Secretary Ron Sims said that the Westchester County agreement was only a first step, and that he hoped it could "serve as a model for building strong, inclusive sustainable communities in suburban areas across the entire United States." If elected, Russell vowed to "stop the HUD steamroller" and let "natural housing patterns" endure.

Let me ask you, matt: Do you think it's right for social engineers in Washington to try to change the complexion of neighborhoods all across the country by forcing communities to spend tens of millions of dollars they probably don't even have? I don't think it's right. I stand with Russell on this issue.

Matt J Stannard said...

I'm glad you were able to get all that off your chest. Your white, pasty chest. :)