Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Brown the Creepy

Thanks to my old friend Steve Herro for bringing this one to my attention. Ewwww....
The Buzz Log - The Scoop on Scott Brown - Yahoo! Buzz: "During his victory speech, with his wife and daughters standing behind him, Brown thanked his family for their support. And then things got a little awkward. As his shocked daughters looked on, Sen. Brown said that both of his daughters were 'available.'
Quoting Dad: 'Just in case anyone who's watching throughout the country, yes, they're both available.' He then backed off his comments as the crowd hooted and hollered. 'No, no. No. Only kidding, only kidding. Only kidding, only kidding,' he said. 'Arianna... Arianna's definitely not available.' He then added, 'But Ayla is.'"

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