Monday, June 01, 2009

Far right blogger and Hannity pal Turner praises Tiller murder, calls for more murder

The gauntlet has been thrown down publicly and unapologetically. Far right blogger and radio host Hal Turner is now openly calling for the murder of those on the left.
I don't shed a tear when guys like Tiller are killed. In my opinion, they deserve to be killed.
I think we should start considering going farther. I think that we ought to maybe start thinking about doing the same thing to folks that SUPPORT abortion. Folks like the ones at sites like. . . . . . I dunno. . . . . . the DailyKos?

Not sure how long this post will stay up, but because Turner has a google news feed, it's pretty much ensconced in cyberspace now. Reaction from authorities?


Anonymous said...

We'll ask the man, where do you stand on the question of the revolution? Are you for it or against it? If he's against it, we'll stand him up against a wall.
V.I. Lenin
A sentiment never critiqued by The Monthly Review or MRZine.

Matt J Stannard said...

It's curious that you're choosing this blog, around this particular event, to raise this particular issue. But if it makes any difference, I am personally and tactically opposed to the sentiment you cite. I read, but do not write for, MR and MRZ. Please contribute to conversations here directly, honestly, and innuendo-free rather than dropping hints and accusations. In these times, we need clarity and honesty.

Anonymous said...

Re: MR since I read that journal avidly during the 70's and 80's, read many Monthly review Press books (I esp. recommend such classics as the Jan Myrdal book on Hoxha's Abaniam, insert snarky emoticon ;-), as documented extensively in a book on Sweezy and Baran by democratic socialist Peter Clecak, "Radical Paradoxes: dilemmas of the American Left, 1945-1970, " and a piece by democratic socialist Irving Howe, 'authoritarians of the Left, " (reprinted in Howe's collection, "essential works of socialism." ) the Monthly Review from the time of its founding in '49, IIRC till the time of the Solidarity union in Poland was singularly uncritical of the record of Stalinizeed Communist totalitarianism. Cue to a formulaic denunciation of, "red-baiting, " I assume? Clear enough for you?

Matt J Stannard said...

Ah, so your PhD is in name dropping, with an additional MA in douchebaggery, then? Tell you what. Go to and find an article in the current issue, or the archives, that really gets you going. Write a letter to the editor. We'll print it. I promise.

Anonymous said...

Heh, oy vey. Nothing like a snarly leftist, eh? I did not spell albania correctly, btw, in a rush when I typed the previous.) I have a B.A, in Sociology from UCSC. My bookshelves are full of texts by Marxist theorists from Poulantzas to Russell Jacoby ("Dialectic of Defeat, " is esp. good vs. Althusser), Sweezy, Charles Bettelheim, and histories of the Communist and Socialist movements from both those who soldiered in them (like Theodore Draper whose histories of the CPUSa are still standard texts) to those who were never communists or socialists, rather liberals or centrists of respectible conservatives w/o any taint of , "fascist red-baiting, " as would be the usual phrase I hear from your type of activist. Douchebag? ah how sexist of you, heh. Perhaps you an throw in some homophobia as well? Common when a str8 leftist is challenged by a gay ex-marxist. I'll find some piece in the source you cite at the end and write some crits. Comrade Douchebag at your service.

Matt J Stannard said...

My apologies, Julius. I simply don't know where you're going with all this, and given recent events, this blog has had more immediate points to make. I do invite you to check out Shared Sacrifice, the online journal I participate in, documenting progressive politics and culture from a pluralist standpoint. Certainly there's room for dialogue about socialist models old and new. I happen to believe our continued existence depends on such conversations.

Anonymous said...

Apologies do realize I am niot THE Julis Martov? The Menshevik consigned , "to the dustbin, " by Trotsky in a speech. On Martov and the Mensheviks see the prize winning book by Andre Liebich. Liebich has written for Dissent, the democratic socialist quarterly. That you should add to your blog roll. Dissent socialists/socdems have much to add to your stock of knowledge and reflection.

matthewjaycook said...

Calls to violence are gaining little ground. they don't need ground. they're winning anyhow.

Julius confuses me.