Thursday, August 27, 2009

You stay classy now...

This is all over the place this afternoon. Rex Rammell is a C-list politician in the Idaho gubernatorial race. On Monday, Rammell joked about shooting President Obama.

After an audience member shouted a question about "Obama tags" during a
discussion on wolves, Rammell responded, "The Obama tags? We'd buy some of
those."Rammell, a veterinarian and former elk rancher from Idaho Falls, said his
comment was a joke and he would never seriously talk about President Obama that
way, although he doesn't support anything Obama's done as president."I was just
being sarcastic. That was just a joke," Rammell said. "I would never support him
being assassinated."She kind of caught me off guard, to be honest with

Poor guy, getting caught off guard like that.

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